Shop With A Cop

One of our favorite days of the year. Not sure who gets more excited us or our guests!

On October 19, 2018 we at the Claremont Police Department was very pleasantly surprised by two very generous gifts to the Claremont Police Department. The local Walmart decided to donate $1000 towards our annual “Shop with Cop” event which occurs every December before Christmas. SRO Crystal Simonds has spearheaded this GREAT experience for the last couple of years and is very happy to receive this donation. We are very excited that our local Walmart supports this event and this money will go towards making a bunch of kids smile. We were also surprised for the $1500 donation directly to the Claremont Police Department. This money will be used to support wellness within the agency and all the officers are very thankful that the store and the staff thought of us and made this donation.
Thank you Walmart