Special Programs

The Claremont Police Department is committed to helping the citizens of Claremont in many different ways beyond just traditional policing. Whether it is "Shop with a Cop" "Beards for Bucks" or creating the Breast Cancer Awareness patch, the Claremont Police Department is committed to finding innovative ways to support the community we so proudly serve.

Razorless for a Reason logo (Police Officer with mustache and beard

Claremont Police Department officers are going RAZORLESS FOR A REASON.

You may notice that some of our officers may look a little different this month but that is because they are participating in the Beards for Bucks campaign. The money raised by the officers directly benefit our local Child Advocacy Center (CAC). Child Advocacy Centers in NH are predominately non-profit organizations, depending on the generosity of the community for operating expenses. Beard for Bucks is a great way for CACs to focus on the work of providing high quality services to children and less on the budget.

The mission of Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) is to provide all victims of child sexual abuse, physical abuse, criminal neglect and other childhood traumas, a neutral environment where justice, healing, equity, and prevention are fostered through consistent, high quality and sustaining collaboration of community partners.

Click here to donate and support the Claremont Police Department Team!

Claremont Police Department Breast Cancer Awareness Patch

Did you know there are over 3.1 million breast cancer surivors in the Unites States, including women still being treated and those who have completed treatment. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, after skin cancer. Survival rates continue to climb due to better treatments and increased screening that finds cancers when they are most treatable.

With women more knowledgeable about warning signs, the importance of self-exams, treatment options and second opinions, they are better prepared than ever before to confront a breast cancer diagnosis -- something an estimated one in eight women will do in her lifetime.

If you would like to support the Claremont Police Department and the Pink Patch Project, reach out to one of the officers today! All of our proceeds go to the Norris Cotton Center at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, in Lebanon, NH. Patches are $10 a piece.  #pinkpatchproject #BreastCancerAwareness

Claremont Police Department Breast Cancer Awareness Patch

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team (ACERT) is a team that can be deployed to help children who have been exposed to violence and other traumatic events.
The team responds to families in the wake of violence and connects them to appropriate trauma-informed supports and services in the community.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are childhood traumas that result in severe stress that can cause harm to a child's brain and affect their ability to respond to situations in a healthy way, both in childhood and as an adult. ACEs have been directly linked to numerous health, social and behavioral problems, including diabetes, depression, cancer, stroke and early death.
Early intervention has been proven to reduce the long-term impact of ACEs and increase the child’s ability to cope with stress and trauma.
ACERT promotes trauma-informed training to first-responder populations & school staff to foster a competent, compassionate, and effective workforce around ACEs, trauma, and mitigation. We provide support to families around Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and provide referrals in partnership with community agencies. We also contribute to community awareness of ACEs and aid in incorporating the program into an integrated support network in the local community and beyond.
Our team include the Claremont Police Department, the Newport Police Department, the Child Advocacy Center at Dartmouth, TLC, Turning Points Network. Our current referral partner network includes Full Circle Farm Therapeutic Horsemanship, Allied Arts Theater, West Central Behavioral Health, the Claremont and Newport Rec Departments, and faith-based youth groups.
If you are interested in being connected with the ACERT program, or becoming an ACERT referral partner, please reach out to the ACERT Coordinator, Nenia Corcoran. She can be reached at 603-276-6705 or ncorcoran@cmnhdev24.jjcbigideas.com.