Claremont Advantage
Claremont has emerged as an important center of commerce. Building on its historic architecture, contemporary adaptive reuse is re-energizing the City Center. Claremont is home to precision technology and fine home and cabinetry manufacturing among many other businesses in the industrial lands surrounding the Connecticut River. Abundant land, a good transportation and broadband network, and much capacity in its infrastructure have made Claremont a true land of opportunity for companies looking to locate or expand in New Hampshire..
The City of Claremont enjoys robust workforce development resources. River Valley Community College in Claremont provides a diverse and flexible curriculum, with programming in computer technology, advanced machining and allied health care programs, among many others.
The Claremont School District is a member of the School Administrative Unit (SAU) #6. The District is made up of 3 elementary schools, Claremont Middle School and Stevens High School. The High School features a strong technical curriculum through the Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center.
As part of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region, Claremont’s employment base extends north of the Hanover/Lebanon area and south to Charlestown and includes communities in both Vermont and New Hampshire.
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Claremont offers unique spaces to start your new business. Office spaces of all sizes, mid-size start-up, and shovel ready industrial locations are all available here!
The NH Advantage
Click here to compare NH to other states in a number of categories that impact business climate.
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Claremont offers unique spaces to start your new business. Office spaces of all sizes, mid-size start-up, and shovel ready industrial locations are all available here!
The NH Advantage
Click here to compare NH to other states in a number of categories that impact business climate.