Awarded Opportunities

RFP: City Hall Municipal Complex Roof Replacements

City Hall Municipal Complex Roof Replacements


BIDS DUE JULY 18, 2022, 12:00 PM

The City of Claremont is seeking proposals from qualified roof contractors. Questions concerning this RFP must be made via email per the schedule outlined below. Responses to all submitted questions will be posted at
Project Background and Description
The City of Claremont is soliciting firms for pricing of replacement of five roofs on our Municipal Complex. These roofs are located on the expansion of the Claremont City Hall & Opera House from the 1970’s. Three out of five roofs are PVC Assembly with a steel deck. One roof consists of built-up roofing system over concrete. The fifth roof consists of asphalt shingles over a wood deck.
Scope of Work
The selected contractor will provide the City of Claremont with professional services to realize the successful implementation of all aspects of this scope. The contractor will be responsible for coordinating work with all sub-contractors, if needed. The list and order of activities outlined below may be amended and finalized with the contractor. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the following elements:

•    Schedule work in coordination with the Maintenance Supervisor
•    Contractor shall furnish all permits, labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and services necessary plus incidentals for the proper installation and removal of old roofs.
•    All roofing work shall be executed as such that the building is protected from water infiltration.
•    All tools, staging, unused materials and debris to be organized and put away at days end. Special attention to be given to materials, or items that can be dropped off or blown off of the roof.
•    All changes to the contract must be to the City of Claremont in writing. All changes must be approved prior to starting work.


All Proposals become the property of the CITY and will therefore be considered a public document which will be open to public viewing, after the bid opening. This Proposal, if accepted, will become a legally binding addendum to the eventual contractual agreement with the CITY. This request for Proposal in no way commits the CITY to make an award or reimburse any CONTRACTOR for any expense incurred in responding to this request.

The successful CONTRACTOR will be required to provide proof of General Liability, Motor Vehicle,
Worker’s Compensation and Excess Liability (an “umbrella” policy) insurance, identifying the City of Claremont as an additional insured, and must be submitted to the CITY upon signing of a contract for services. The policy must be issued by a carrier that is duly licensed to do business in the State of New Hampshire. Any subcontractors will be subject to the same insurance requirements.

Insurance Requirements:

Comprehensive General Liability, including Completed Operations Coverage - $1,000,000 per occurrence/ $2,000,000 Aggregate – CITY must be named as an additional insured.

Motor Vehicle Liability - $1,000,000 combined single limit – CITY must be named as an additional insured. Coverage must include all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles.

Worker’s Compensation on all workers providing services under this Agreement; Employer’s Liability with limits in an amount no less than statutory limits.

All Subcontractors, as agents of CONTRACTOR under this Agreement, are subject to the same insurance requirements as the CONTRACTOR.

Excess Liability in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 each occurrence – CITY must be named as an additional insured.

Proposal Submission Requirements
Provide one (1) proposal clearly marked with the firm’s name on the cover with the wording, “City of Claremont Municipal Complex Roof Replacements” to the City Manager’s Office, City of Claremont, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont, NH 03743 by July 18,2022 at 12:00 PM.

Responses to this RFP shall include the following:
1.    Qualifications:  Detail consisting of a cover letter including statement of understanding & approach to this project.
2.    References:  Provide up to three client references with which the applicant has done similar work within the last five years. Include the name and telephone number of the contact person and a short description of the role and services provided to that contract.
3.    Schedule that indicates overall time for completion.
4.    Itemized Cost Proposal.
5.    Within 10 days of being awarded, provide insurance certificate naming the City of Claremont as an additional insured according to City of Claremont insurance requirements.
Process and Timeline
June 15, 2022     RFP Posted
July 11,2022, 12:00 PM     Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting at City Hall, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont, NH 03743
July 11, 2022    Questions will be answered and available on

July 18, 2022, 12:00 PM    Proposals due, bids opened 12:05 PM
Schedule to completion will be considered on the selection process.

Company Information
Provide general information including:
1.    Name of company as registered with the NH Secretary of State or other State of Incorporation.
2.    Description of company.
3.    Name(s) of company owner(s).
4.    Number of years in business.
Questions/Responses and Changes to RFP
Inquiries to: William Willette, Project Manager, City of Claremont
Phone: 603-504-0299

Site visits will be held within the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting at City Hall on July 11, 2022 at 12:00 PM.

The City of Claremont reserves the right to make any changes to this RFP, or to reject any and all proposals, or parts of any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Claremont, or to postpone or cancel this RFP, at any time, or to re-solicit this RFP, or to waive any irregularities in this RFP or in the offers received as a result of this RFP.

This is an equal opportunity/affirmative action agency. All qualified firms will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, or national origin.

Consultant selection will be qualifications based.


Submission Deadline: July 18, 2022


Bid Tabulation

Contact Information

William Willette |