Awarded Opportunities

RFP - Janitorial Services for the Claremont Savings Bank Community Center


The City of Claremont, NH (hereafter referred to as the “CITY”) invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Janitorial Services for the Claremont Savings Bank Community Center (hereafter referred to as the “CONTRACTOR”).  Details of the project will be covered in the scope of work section of this document. 


Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope no later than 2:00 P.M. EST on Thursday, March 3, 2022, c/o City Manager’s Office, City Hall, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont NH  03743.  Envelope must be clearly marked “CSBCC Janitorial Services” Proposals will be opened publicly at that time. Unsealed, late, emailed, or faxed proposals will not be accepted.


The city highly recommends any interested CONTRACTOR contact Tim Hernon to complete a walk through and explanation of the Claremont Savings Bank Community Center, and any other facilities they deem necessary. CONTRACTORS submitting proposals are responsible for being totally familiar with the City of Claremont and required services.  The contact person for this project is:


Tim Hernon

152 South Street

Claremont, NH 03743



Proposal specifications are available on the City’s web site,



All Proposals become the property of the CITY and will therefore be considered a public document which will be open to public viewing, after the bid opening. CONTRACTOR’S Proposal, if accepted, will become a legally binding addendum to the eventual contractual agreement with the CITY. This Request for Proposal in no way commits the CITY to make an award or reimburse any CONTRACTOR for any expense incurred in responding to this request.



The successful CONTRACTOR will be required to provide proof of General Liability, Motor Vehicle, Worker’s Compensation and Excess Liability (an “umbrella” policy) insurance, identifying the City of Claremont as an additional insured, and must be submitted to the CITY upon signing a contract for services. The policy must be issued by a carrier that is duly licensed to do business in the State of New Hampshire. Any subcontractors will be subject to the same insurance requirements (which will be detailed as a part of the SCOPE OF WORK).


Evaluation Criteria:


All proposals received in response to this RFP will be evaluated to determine if they are complete and meet the requirements specified in this RFP. The vendor will be chosen based on who will provide the “best value” taking into consideration the most beneficial combination of qualifications, services and cost and who has met the requirements of this RFP. Only proposals judged to be responsive to the submission requirements set forth in this RFP will be evaluated.


Staff will review, analyze and evaluate all proposals and score them in accordance with the criteria described below. If needed, additional information may be requested from one or more CONTRACTORS.


The CITY reserves the right:

  • to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part and to accept other than the lowest price proposal;
  • to waive any technical defect, qualification, omission, informality, or irregularity in any proposal received;
  • to amend, modify, or withdraw this Request for Proposal;
  • to require supplemental statements or information from a CONTRACTOR;
  • to extend the deadline for responses to this Request for Proposal;
  • to waive or correct any irregularities in proposals received;


The CITY may award a contract based upon the proposals received without discussion of such proposals with proposers. Each proposal should therefore be submitted with the most favorable terms the proposer can make to the CITY.


The Request for Proposal documents and Notice of Award shall be the agreement between the CITY and successful proposer with respect to the matters dealt with herein, and such shall supersede all other oral and written proposals, representations, understandings, and agreements previously made or existing with respect to any such matter.

Qualification of Bidders:


Each CONTRACTOR must be prepared to present satisfactory proof of their capacity and ability to successfully complete the requirements of this solicitation.


Proposals shall include a brief summary of similar services provided (at least 3), including:

  • The date(s) of service
  • The point of contact with name and telephone number of such clients.


The CITY reserves the right to make whatever investigations or inquiries necessary to determine the competency and ability of any CONTRACTOR to complete the requirements of this solicitation. A review may include, but not be limited to, inspection of the CONTRACTOR’S facilities and equipment, references, or previous contract performance.


Award will not be made solely on the basis of the cost of services. Evaluation factors to be considered in addition to cost shall be:

  • The CONTRACTOR’S reputation based on past work experience with the CITY and other references.
  • Quality of service provided to others
  • Adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain such resources as required to complete the performance of the project.
  • Adequate experience, organization, technical and professional qualifications, personnel, skill, equipment, and ability.
  • The ability to comply with the time frames proposed.



The intention of these specifications by the City of Claremont is to solicit bids for a term contract for janitorial services for the CSB Community Center for twelve months beginning July 01, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023.


Scope of Work:

The City of Claremont is soliciting pricing for janitorial services for the Claremont Savings Bank Community Center located at 152 South Street, Claremont, NH.   



The bid is for cleaning services, with the CITY providing paper products and cleaning chemicals.


On the bid sheet, we have added a pricing section to bid each building separately or all four buildings together as one contract. The City reserves the right to use these prices for decision making purposes, and may award janitorial services on a per building or total project basis to one or more bidders.


Areas to be cleaned:


Janitorial Services for Claremont Savings Bank Community Center at 152 South Street

Hours of work and supervision shall be conducted as scheduled events require and will include but not be limited to after-business- hours at night, on weekends and holiday scheduling.  The cleaning hours are primarily at the close of our business day which is 9:00 PM, Mondays through Fridays, and 6:00 PM, Saturdays and Sundays with the exception of special events throughout the year. Contractor shall perform the services required in the working hours set and determined by the Claremont Parks & Recreation Director.

Areas to be cleaned:

  • Lobby area and entryways
  • Reception area, offices, and kitchen area
  • Women’s and Men’s locker rooms and Family Changing Rooms
  • Women’s and Men’s Restrooms in upstairs lobby
  • Meeting rooms and hallways
  • Fitness Area and Walking Track area
  • Basketball / Volleyball Gymnasium
  • Natatorium

Tasks to be completed include:

  • Disinfect and clean locker rooms, showers and bathroom areas
  • Sanitize all hard surfaces
  • Keep all toilet paper dispensers full.
  • Sweeping, use of floor machine, vacuuming all floors
  • Collection and removal of trash to dumpster 
  • Wash windows and glass area
  • General cleaning of facility

Equipment and supplies:

  • The City will supply all cleaning supplies for the daily maintenance (can liners, toilet paper, vacuums, floor machine, and mops/buckets, etc.).
  • The Contractor will supply the equipment and supplies to shampoo the carpets quarterly.
  • The contractor will communicate daily any custodial equipment repair or malfunctions or other facility related issue that their staff my note during their cleaning shifts.



Women’s and Men’s Locker Rooms, and Family Changing Rooms

  • Daily- empty all trash.
  • Daily- check and resupply as needed toilet paper, and soap dispensers.
  • Daily- disinfect and clean the following:
    • Showers (walls, floors, bench, soap dispensers, grab bars, shower curtains)
    • Benches
    • Sinks
    • Mirrors
    • Counter tops (makes sure to clean well around sinks)
    • Soap dispensers (wash if needed and clean sensor windows)
    • Door hardware
    • Toilets and urinals (inside and out), wash down stall walls, stall doors and wall behind toilets and urinals.
    • Grab rails
  • Daily- inspect lockers. Clean out any trash, spills, dirt from shoes, etc.
  • Daily- sweep and mop floor with disinfectant. Must change water after each locker room.
  • Daily- sweep and mop hallway by women’s locker room.
  • Weekly - Clean and disinfect lockers once a week, dust tops of lockers
  • Weekly - Clean all wall surfaces once a week (spot clean as needed in-between)
  • Weekly - Clean all ceiling vents and exhaust vents once a week.


Women’s and Men’s Restrooms Upstairs Lobby

  • Daily- empty all trash.
  • Daily- check and re-supply as needed toilet paper, and soap dispensers.
  • Daily- disinfect and clean the following:
    • Sinks
    • Mirrors
    • Soap Dispensers (wash if needed and clean sensor windows)
    • Door handles
    • Wash down walls.
    • Grab rails
  • Daily- sweep and mop floor with disinfectant.
  • Weekly - Clean all ceiling vents and exhaust vents.

Lobby area, entryways

  • Daily- Empty all trash daily and pick up any trash around front entry way.
  • Daily- Disinfect reception counter on the lobby-side of the reception area
  • Daily- Disinfect and clean all the tables & chairs, door handles, stair railing, vending machines (especially the buttons but also clean top of machines)
  • Daily- Wash sets (inside and outside sets) of entrance doors (all glass areas)
  • Daily- Check and/or Wash windows & glass areas inside facility
  • Daily- Use floor machine lobby and both entryways
  • Daily- vacuum entryway carpets.
  • Daily- Sweep and mop steps
  • Clean all wall surfaces once a week (spot clean as needed in-between)

Main Desk Reception area, offices, and kitchenette

  • Daily- Empty all trash
  • Daily- clean and disinfect counters
  • Daily- mop kitchen room floor
  • Daily- Vacuum reception area and offices
  • Daily- disinfect and clean sinks, door handles.
  • Daily- Check and re-supply soap dispensers as needed.
  • Spot clean all wall surfaces as needed

Meeting rooms and hallway

  • Daily- empty all trash
  • Daily- disinfect counters
  • Daily- disinfect and clean door handles.
  • Daily- clean glass areas
  • Daily- vacuum Activity floor. (Room B)
  • Daily- vacuum floor in room A
  • Daily- disinfect and clean tables & chairs (in room A daily, if set-up in room B)
  • Daily – vacuum and disinfect floor in room C. 

Basketball / Volleyball Gymnasium

  • Daily- empty all trash
  • Daily- disinfect and clean door handles, light switches, water fountain
  • Daily- clean bleachers and area under bleachers in gym
  • Daily- spot clean gym floors removing spills and dirt/mud
  • Daily- spot clean all wall surfaces as needed
  • Daily Dry mop Gym floor and use the floor machine 2-3 times per week or as needed.

Fitness Area, and Walking Track

  • Daily- empty all trash
  • Daily- disinfect and clean water fountains, door handles.
  • Daily- sweep and disinfect floors
  • Daily- clean all glass and mirrors
  • Daily- clean all Mat areas and under and around all equipment
  • Daily- clean and disinfect stretching mats when they are down
  • Spot clean any walls


  • Daily- check and clean elevator
    • Disinfect control surfaces
    • Clean railings inside elevator car
    • Clean elevator cab doors inside elevator car
    • Clean and exterior of elevator doors on both floors and surrounding door jambs


  • Daily- pick-up any trash in area and empty all trash
  • Daily- disinfect and clean, doors (both sides), door handles.
  • Use floor machine daily on pool deck
  • Rinse all stainless-steel surfaces swimming pool accessories with fresh water.
  • Spot clean any walls

Other items

  • Weekly- clean air vents (in ceiling tiles or in walls) in entire lower level
  • Monthly- scrub grouted tile floors in restrooms, locker rooms and natatorium
  • Spot-clean walls
  • Please clean behind all doors and in corners of all bathrooms/locker rooms, under and around bathroom stalls.


  1. The CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain during the contract period the following insurance (as a minimum):


Comprehensive General Liability, including Completed Operations Coverage - $1,000,000 per occurrence/ $2,000,000 Aggregate – City of Claremont must be named as an additional insured.


Motor Vehicle Liability - $1,000,000 combined single limit – City of Claremont must be named as an additional insured.  Coverage must include all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles.


Worker’s Compensation on all workers providing services under this Agreement; Employer’s Liability with limits in an amount no less than statutory limits.


All Subcontractors, as agents of CONTRACTOR under this Agreement, are subject to the same insurance requirements as the CONTRACTOR.


Excess Liability in the minimum amount of $1000,000 per occurrence – City of Claremont must be named as an additional insured.


Proposals will be accepted that deviate from the Scope of Work, but all such submissions must specifically state exceptions to the Scope of Work on their own page labeled “Exceptions.” The CITY will also entertain proposals that will make the project more cost effective.



Any questions or inquiries must be submitted in writing and received no later than (7) calendar days prior to the proposal due date. Answers to all questions or information given to a CONTRACTOR in response to a formal request of a substantive nature will be posted on the CITY’s Procurement Opportunities page on the City of Claremont, NH website ( no later than five (5) days prior to the due date.


Only such amendments, when issued by the CITY, will be considered as being binding on the CITY. Verbal explanations or instructions given by a CITY employee to a CONTRACTOR in regard to this solicitation shall not be binding on the CITY, and shall be considered informal unless confirmed in writing by the CITY. CONTRACTORS should note that all clarifications and exceptions, including those relating to the terms and conditions of the contract, are to be resolved prior to the submission of a proposal.



The final contract will involve, at a minimum, the terms and conditions set forth in this Request for Proposal including the general conditions, and may include those reflected in the specific proposal submitted. The content shall be the exclusive source of the CONTRACTOR’S rights and remedies and shall supersede any and all prior writings, negotiations or agreements of any kind.


The CITY is exempt of all taxes.


All CONTRACTORS must comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations.



Option 1-Three  copies of your proposal can be delivered or mailed in, and must be received by the CITY by no later than 2:00 P.M. EST on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Proposals received after this deadline will not be eligible for consideration.


Proposals should be delivered to:

Claremont City Manager

RE: CSBCC Janitorial Services

58 Opera House Square

Claremont, NH 03743


































Bid Proposal Submission Form

Janitorial Services for The Claremont Savings Bank Community Center


Please fill out the Bid Proposal Submission Form below.   The City of Claremont reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and act in the best interests of the City.


Contact Name_________________________________________________________________


Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Telephone (     ) _____________________Fax (     ) ___________________________________




Employer ID Number ___________________ or Social Security #Number__________________ 


Circle one:   Corporation or Partnership                  Individual                       


Signature of Authorized Representative   ______________________________________


Print Name   _______________________________________


Title   ____________________________________________


Date    ____________________________________________




 Provide a list of three (3) references where you have recently completed projects of this nature. (Please submit with your bid)



The City will provide all paper products and cleaning chemicals.



Monthly Amount

Yearly Total

Claremont Savings Bank Community Center



Total Project Cost




Anticipated Start Date: ______________________


Proposals should be delivered to:

Janitorial Services, City of Claremont, City Manager’s Office, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont, NH  03743 by 2:00 PM March 3, 2022

Submission Deadline: March 03, 2022


Contact Information

Parks & Recreation
Tim Hernon | (603) 542-7019